In The Works.

I have a few projects that I’m in the middle of right now.  One that I’m super excited about is actually not really my project, although I did help with it one day.  For real.  I even used the nail gun, which, for the record, totally freaked me out.  I also applied wood glue, which I was quite good at after some instruction from Joel.  I wanted to impress Joel with all my skills, and I think it worked.  Or maybe not.  And I’m pretty sure I’ll be involved in the final sanding process somehow while Joel does a more fun job.  It’s a twin bed for Wyatt, and Joel used the plans for the Simple Bed from Knock-Off Wood.  There are so many projects from her site that I want Joel to make next! 
We (Joel) set the bed up even though it still needs to be sanded again and painted still.  We’re waiting for warmer weather to paint it, and with the way it’s been in Utah, I’m glad we didn’t hold off on setting it up in the meantime.  But what color to paint it?  I wanted it to be exciting for Wyatt, and was thinking blue, but then Ada kindly reminded me that it would be hard to match with fabric when I finally make a quilt for his bed.  So then I decided on brown, but Joel asked Wyatt what color he wanted and he said blue, so we’ll see.  I was thinking it would be cute to paint it blue and then brown and then antique it so that the blue shows through just a bit.  Then we could all be happy.
For now Wyatt can keep enjoying his new hiding place.

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  1. this looks amazing. my husband and i recently made a headboard for our bed from plans on knock off wood. that sight is amazing.

  2. We missed you at the Easter dinner this year! I love that one of Joel’s projects made it to your blog. :) I don’t know that something of that nature will ever be attempted in our house. If it is, Ben’s coming over for lessons at your house first. Those pictures of Wyatt are so good–maybe I should pay for you to come to AZ to take some of Hailey because lately I’ve had no luck! I get a blurry back in the midst of a full-out spin. If we weren’t on that grad student busget still….

  3. Wow! Can’t wait to see it! I love that sight. I think I am a bit too wimpy to try it on my own though!

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