Baby Bjorn Slip Cover Tutorial

Have a Baby Bjorn carrier that could use an update? Today I’m sharing a Baby Bjorn Slipcover Tutorial!

You’ll love the convenience of having a cover that can be slipped off and thrown in the wash!
I bought a Baby Bjorn with my first baby, and loved using it with both of my boys. As a mom of three now, I use our Bjorn almost every time we go anywhere. I know Lola will be happy and safe. Now that I’m not the only girl in our house, I thought it would be a great time to make a new girly cover – and share with you so you can make your own!


2 fat quarters of 100% quilting cotton
1. To make a pattern for the cover, lay the front piece of your Bjorn onto some paper – Swedish tracing paper or newspaper will work great. Trace around the Bjorn, stopping at edge of fabric near top buckles and slider clasps, and at bottom of Bjorn, as marked below.

2. Use a ruler to join pattern lines at top buckles, slider clasps, and bottom.

3. Cut pattern out, adding 3/8″ seam allowance on all sides of lines drawn. Keep in mind that it’s better to have a bit extra room in your pieces than if they are a bit too small, so err on the side of bigger rather than smaller.
4. Pin pattern piece to both layers of fabric and cut pieces out.
5. Serge or zig zag raw edges of each fabric piece at edge of top buckles, slider clasps, and bottom as marked below. If serging, try not to cut off of the raw edge as you stitch. Press each serged/zig zagged edge 3/8″ toward wrong side of each fabric piece.
6. Topstitch 1/4″ from each pressed edge.
7. Pin fabric pieces right sides together, and stitch together along all raw edges (leaving all edges that have been serged/zig zagged). Serge or zig zag edges stitched.
8. Turn cover right side out through bottom opening and press seams flat.
9. Fold sides of Bjorn front toward center and push through bottom opening of cover. Pull top buckles and slider clasps through corresponding openings.
Great job! Enjoy your new Baby Bjorn cover!
Make a couple and switch them out to keep things fresh!

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  1. What a nice tutorial. I’m going to Pin this to remember for baby shower gifts. Thanks for taking the time to write the tutorial! :)

  2. Just another idea – this is GREAT for newborn halloween costumes, I made a bumble bee cover with a stinger for my daughter on her first halloween and it was perfect :)

  3. This is so cute! With a super barfy baby, I am already grossed out with our carrier. This is a great idea!

  4. This is super cute and a great gift idea for my sister! Thanks for the tutorial!!

  5. I love your tutorials. You write instructions in a way that is easy to understand, (even for the novice sewer). I’m guessing you used to be a teacher?

    Anyways, I love this idea. Very practical for the spitty baby and it is ADORABLE.

    Thank you!!!

  6. What an awesome idea – thanks for sharing :)
    Looks like baby No.2 will travel a lot more in style:))

  7. I love this! What a cool concept, I’ve never seen anything like it. I need to try this one day.

  8. Pretty! Love this update!

    I’m sad to say I haven’t even used mine with my son and he’s 11 months :( He spit up so much that it was impossible to use, but now I may try it since he’s growing out of that phase…sorta!

  9. Thanks for this tutorial! I’m adding a pocket to mine since many times when I’m wearing the bjorn I’m on a hike or at the beach and need a place to put my phone and keys! :)

  10. This is so great! I made this with a really soft fuzzy fabric right before my daughter was born. I love wearing it.

  11. Thank you for the great tutorial!! I just used it to make a new cover for my Bjorn, after mine got a few holes in it! I’ve linked to your posting on my blog!
    Thank you!

  12. Thanks for this tutorial, I’m expecting number 2 in October and just made a new cover for our old Bjorn. A couple of things I added: Ribbon loops on the top curve to hang toys/teethers from, especially for when baby gets older and is facing out, and button holes where the newborn loop pegs go so my cover can be used from the newborn stage. Also lined the top part with cotton quilt batting, because if this babe is anything like his sister he will love to suck on the Bjorn when he’s facing out.

  13. Please be careful what kind of carrier you use! Ones that allow the baby’s legs to dangle are very dangerous for baby’s hip development. Would love to see you do a Mei Tai version of a cover or wrap conversion :)

  14. Just made mine!! So easy! Found my carrier of Craig’s list and it was pretty faded (and now super drooled on) and the cover turned out GREAT!! Thanks so much for the idea and tutorial!

  15. Thanks for the tutorial!
    I finished my own cover and it looks great. The toughest part of the whole project was getting the actual bjorn carrier into my cover. Super awesome!!!!

  16. thank you for this tutorial. I buy a used BabyBojorn. The tissue is washed and not so preatty as I want. Now I can have my own and personnal fabrics. Thnaks again ^^

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  18. I was just gifted one of these and I love it!! Wish Id have known about it a few kids ago, but hey, at least one of them can ride in style now!! Thanks for the great tut :)

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  20. Thank you for the easy to follow tutorial! I just made my own using your instructions and it looks so much cuter now!

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