Better Late Than Never?

This week I heard Wyatt yell from across the yard, “Mom, come here! You’ve gotta see this!”  He was thrilled to see our corn sprouting up through the dirt.

We were over a month late getting our garden planted this year. I should clarify. Joel was over a month late. And I’m not criticizing him – thankfully he did all the work preparing and planting the garden, which of course I’m very happy about. If it were left up to me, it wouldn’t have happened this year. Life hasn’t left me much time for gardening lately :). He’s also done all the watering, with the exceptional request for me to turn the tap on or off. That’s something I can handle!

I have to say I was equally excited.

We (uh, Joel – already outed myself on that one) planted corn, cucumbers, squash, jalapenos (and lots of them – just for fun we canned 4 jars of jalapenos last year while making pickles and Joel has been rationing them ever since. I think he’s imagining an entire shelf of canned jalapenos for this year), cantelope, watermelon, and lettuce. Our tomato and pea plants didn’t turn out great last year so we left them out this time.

Have you planted a garden this year? What are you most excited to harvest? Hope you have a great holiday weekend!

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  1. Good job! We harvested a single bean last week–our preschooler brought home a seed in a cup and it miraculously survived when we transplanted it outside when it outgrew the cup. She had a bit of her bean after we steamed it, and didn’t like it, but she was still so proud :)

  2. What fun to see the first sprouts! We put in a small garden this year and I’m cheering for my little pea plants. We’ve been eating (tiny) strawberries and watching the watermelon, cucumber and tomatoes get bigger. I know what you mean about finding the time to garden!

  3. How exciting! My husband planted a salsa garden this year (and pumpkins for the fall)! Tomatoes, cilantro, basil, green and white onions, Anaheim chilies, and habeneros. I’ll be sticking to the Anaheim chilies. I’m only Mexican by marriage and can’t handle the spicy habeneros!

  4. Those little sprouts are so cute! :) I have mostly an herb garden: basil, rosemary, sage, thyme. I planted parsley and cilantro too, but the AZ heat killed them. :( I also have jalapenos, which are doing very well. I’ve made a couple of batches of salsa with them already! :)

  5. always better late then never! hope for a late frost:) we can our jalapeno’s too, they are so delish! plus we make a ton of salsa.

  6. we have a late growing season, but I like to plant what I can. I’ve harvested rhubarb twice. My tomato plants are coming along, I’m hoping my green pepper plants will make it, but the season isn’t quite long enough if we have a late spring (which we did). My potatoes are doing great though!

  7. How fun! we tried corn one year but it didn’t grow! We are still learning when it comes to gardening, but we get more and more stuff to grow each year.

  8. It’s always so exciting to see the first sprouts! Our garden was late going in this year due to a very late spring, but it’s coming along now. We grow a little of everything, but I am most excited about our expanding herb garden. It is such an adventure to add new and unique herbs to your cooking!

  9. Aw cute! It is always fun seeing the first sprouts. We were a little late, but better late than never!

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  10. YAY! I still need to plant (replant) our pumpkin. I was afraid it was too late, but you give me hope.

  11. My hubby planted a “mini garden” in our backyard a few weeks back (a little late, like yours!) Our corn, canteloupe & watermelon has sprouted. The carrots & tomatos are being stubborn, I guess. :)

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