How to Make Stamps – DIY Showers & Flowers Pillow Tutorial

This post is sponsored by Jo-Ann Fabric and Craft Stores.

Create Your Own StampHi friends! Today I’m sharing a fun pillow project that is reminiscent of the old rhyme “April showers brings May flowers.” If you’ve always wanted to learn how to make stamps but have been nervous, this is a great project to start with! Some of us may love the flowers more than the showers (especially since I live in rainy Seattle!), but these pillows will give you a way to enjoy both together!

Create Your Own Stamp

Once you start making your own stamps, you’ll be hooked!

Create Your Own Stamp Create Your Own Stamp
Woven natural fiber fabric (cotton, linen, etc):
– 45” wide: 1.25yd for one pillow or 1 3/4yd for 2 pillows
– 60: wide: 5/8yd for one pillow or 1 1/8yd for 2 pillows
2 pillow forms (16”x16”)
Piping – 1 package (2.5yd) per pillow
4”x6” Stamp carving block
4”x6” Stamp foam mount
Stamp carving tools
Ink pad suitable for fabric – the ones used in this tutorial are: Memento Luxe (black) and Colorbox Gold Archival (found in Jo-Ann Craft and Fabric Stores)
Disappearing ink pen
Press cloth
Cardboard or poster board to protect table from ink bleed through
Click HERE to download and print tulip and raindrop templates.

Cut fabric (allows for 2 pillows):
Pillow front: cut 2 – 17”x17”
Pillow back (envelope opening): cut 4 – 17”(h)x13”(w)
1. Print stamp templates and cut each shape out. Cut carving block into two pieces that will fit shapes and trace each shape onto stamp carving blocks.

Create Your Own Stamp

2. Use carving tools to carve block areas outside of traced shapes. It helps to cut around traced line with the smallest tool first, then use larger tools to carve deeper and remaining areas.
Optional: With simple shapes like these, it can be helpful to cut most of the carved area around the traced shape away to reduce the amount of carving you need to do, and reduce the chance of excess ink getting onto your fabric.

3. Cut foam stamp mounts to fit stamp blocks and use adhesive included in mount kit to attach stamp block to mount.

Create Your Own Stamp

4. For each 17”x17” pillow front, use disappearing ink pen to make grid lines to aid in even stamp placement. See illustration below for measurements used in these designs, or adjust to your own preference.
Tip: If making your own grid lines, don’t forget to account for seam allowances on the outside edges! (Stamped Pillow Grid Guides-01.jpg)

Note: Complete steps 5-6 with one stamp, then repeat with the remaining stamp.
5. Use ink pad to cover stamp with ink. For the raindrop stamp, it works well to place the stamp over the ink pad. For the larger tulip shape, it is helpful to place the ink pad upside down onto the stamp. Be sure to cover all areas of the stamp evenly with ink.

Create Your Own Stamp

6. Test stamp on scrap fabric. Once you’re happy with the amount of ink, carefully place stamp over the pillow front, centering in each grid square (don’t forget to account for seam allowances on outer edges!) pressing firmly into the fabric, and re-inking the stamp as desired. Be careful not to rock or tilt the stamp while pressing. Wash stamp with warm water before switching ink colors and when done stamping.
Note: For the raindrop pillow, stamp within each grid square, and also at each line crossing. For the tulip pillow, stamp only within each grid square.

7. Allow ink to dry. The black ink took several hours to fully dry, while the metallic gold was a slow drying ink, and took about 48 hours to fully dry. Once dry, use a press cloth over the stamped areas and heat set the ink with an iron, leaving the iron on each stamped area for 1 minute.

Create Your Own Stamp

8. Stitch piping to each pillow front, keeping stitch lines and edge of cording ½” from edges of pillow. Overlap beginning and end of piping, and clip piping seam allowance at each corner to form neat corner curves.

9. Press one 13” edge of each 13”x17” piece 1” toward wrong side. Press again 1” toward wrong side. Stitch close to each pressed edge.

10. Right sides together, pin 2 pillow back pieces to each pillow front, matching outside edges and allowing pillow back pieces to overlap at pressed/stitched edges. Stitch around all four pinned edges.

11. Trim corners and finish seam allowances using serger or zig zag stitch.

Create Your Own Stamp12. Turn each pillow cover right side out and press flat along piped edges.

Create Your Own Stamp13. Slide a pillow form into each pillow cover through envelope opening.

Create Your Own StampTa-Da! You are done!

Create Your Own StampNow enjoy those April showers, knowing that they’ll bring the May flowers! Now that you’ve learned how to make stamps, what will you make next?!

Create Your Own StampCreate Your Own Stamp

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