Flashback Friday – Dana’s Granner.

Here’s today’s Flashback Friday:
When I read Dana’s Mother’s Day post, I knew it would be perfect for Flashback Friday!  I have to say that Dana is pretty much probably one of the nicest bloggers out there (which you already know), and I am so happy that she is allowing me to bring her AND Granner to Sew Much Ado for today’s Flashback Friday.  Here’s what Dana wrote on her original post:
Granner was a lady who engaged the whole room. People noticed her cheerful smile and wanted to be around her. At 5’11”, she was someone you noticed. And when I look at my love for sewing, I know that much of it came from her. She loved to sew and she loved fashion. She sewed almost all of her clothing as a young lady and as a married mom. It wasn’t until she passed away a few years ago that my mom brought out her dresses for us to look at. They were amazing! (and so was her waist-size). Such detail, such skill. I’m sure these ensembles looked even cooler in color but here are a few Patricia Rogerson originals (from the 40s and 50s):

I’m sure one day Dana’s own grandchildren will be in awe, sifting through the things she MADE (wow, that pun was actually not planned).  I hope you all have a great weekend!

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  1. Those are incredible and she looks and sounds like an incredible woman. Funny how styles (like the middle outfit) make their comebacks. These old pictures are awesome – I loved seeing them! Thanks Dana.

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