Giveaway: Ruby Lou Doll Pattern — CLOSED–

My 100th post has come and gone (almost 30 posts ago), but it’s never too late for a celebration giveaway, right? I’m giving away one (or maybe more if I get a lot of entries :)) of my Ruby Lou Doll PDF Patterns.

The contest is open until Tuesday, January 5, 2010 at midnight Eastern time, and is open to anyone in the US, Canada, or abroad! To enter, leave me a comment telling me who you’d make a Ruby Lou Doll for if you won. Want to earn extra entries? Here’s how:

1. Create a link to this giveaway on your blog. Make sure to let me know the address where you linked from in your comment.

2. Become a “Follower” of Sew Much Ado on Blogger. It’s easy, just click on the link on the left sidebar. If you’re already a follower, you’ll still get your extra entry, just make sure to leave me a comment saying that you are a follower.

3. Submit an entry for Sew Much Ado’s new Flashback Friday series.

*Remember to use a separate comment for each entry!*

The winner will be randomly chosen and will be announced on January 6, 2010, so make sure to check back on that day to see if you are a winner!

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  1. Ruby Lou is as cute as her name, thanks for the chance to win a pattern! If I did get a copy I’d make one first for my little girl – maybe, she doesn’t play with the dolls she’s got mostly, but I have a baby shower coming up for a mom I know expecting her first girl after two boys – this would be the perfect gift!

  2. I’d love to win the Ruby Lou pattern! She’s lovely and would be a perfect friend for my 8 year old little sister. She loves it when I sew her little presents, especially when she gets to pick the fabric.

  3. I would love to make Ruby Lou for my daughter who lives in the middle of four brothers. I wonder if she would be the first one in Australia!!

  4. Thank you so much for hosting this giveaway! I have been eyeing this pattern since you first posted it was available and been dying to buy one but since I am on a strict “no new sewing items” budget until we recover from Christmas I have been waiting to get it. I really want to make Ruby Lou dolls for my two daughters and three neices. They are all such girly girls and I know they would love to have a Ruby Lou doll of their own,

  5. I would love to make this for my one and a half year old niece. She looks like a little doll, so it is very fitting! Thank you!

  6. My blog is my personal blog, and it is private, but I will link you ( so does that still count?

  7. There are so many little girls that I could make this for! My daughter’s best friends and cousins. Almost 10 girls!! That’s a lot of dolls. I hope as a beginner I can pull it off.

  8. Who would I give this to?! That’s easy! How about the three year old on my lap that just yelled out, “Mom, I want that baby!!!!”

    Heh. ;-)

  9. Ruby Lou is so cute I would make her for me!!! …or maybe our baby on the way will be a girl, Ruby Louise is one of our names we have chosen for our new baby! Thanks

  10. I would make this little dolly for my own little monkey… she’s just figuring out dolls and tries to pick their eyes out – it’s so funny!

  11. I would make a Ruby Lou doll for my friend’s baby (yet unnamed) who is due in April. Faith and I are very into making toys for our children.

  12. I would make Ruby Lou for my little girl. I’ve been wanting to try my hand at sewing a doll for a while. This would be perfect. :)

  13. Such a cute doll pattern. If I won I would make them for my two youngest daughters. Hopefully somemore for the toy society.

  14. Just started following your blog. Your stuff is SO cute!!. I have 3 boys, but I do have lots of cute little nieces who I’m sure would love her dearly.

  15. How adorable! I would make a Ruby Lou for my soon to be 4 year old Olivia, and my daughter on the way, due in 5 weeks! Gotta sew while I still have the time ;). Thanks!

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