Guest Blogger – That’s So Cuegly and Home Beauty Remedies!

Today for Go Green Month we have a FUN guest blogger!  She’s cute, she’s stylish, and she generous enough to pass along her talents.  Linds from That’s So Cuegly is always giving us THE BEST beauty tips and fashion advice to keep us looking our best, and today we’re so excited to have her here at Sew Much Ado!

Hey Blogger Buddies!

My name is
I’m the author of:
“Something JUST ugly enough to be SO cute!” Basically a blog full of Crafts, including refurbishing, mod-podging, and spray paint, and also Beauty Tip Tuesdays are something to look forward to! No need for Shape or Us Magazine when I’ll give you honest and useful beauty tips! I’m a liscenced Cosmetologist as well as a wife for 5 yrs and Mother of two kids of each gender:) That’s So Cuegly is full of other wonderful knick knacks to keep you (and myself) entertained. Come visit me :)
Today I’m GOING GREEN with
Rori’s Simple Home Remedies!
Over at That’s So Cuegly, I have a Beauty Squad of 9 animated girls…Isn’t she lovely?
Let’s start off with:
Vanilla Lip Gloss: 1 tablespoon grated beeswax
1 tablespoon coconut oil
1/8 teaspoon vitamin E oil
(or grape seed oil to give you a sun block as well)
1/8 teaspoon vanilla extract
smudge lipstick (optional)
shimmer (optional)

Place the beeswax, coconut oil and vitamin E oil in an ovenproof container. Heat gently until the wax and oils are melted. Stir in the vanilla extract and mix well. Pour the mixture into a clean container and allow to cool completely before using.

Hand Scrub :
• 50 percent white cane sugar

• 50 percent vegetable glycerin to moisten the sugar. (Olive Oil works great, and I recently tried Grape seed oil and love it better.)
• Small amounts of aloe vera gel, vitamin C crystals, or anything healing that dissolves in water
• 1 or 2 drops of essential oil if desired (I dont like the smell of Olive Oil, so this is a must for me)
• If you’re going to use on your feet, try 25 percent sea salt, 25% cane sugar, 50% oil.

Combine the ingredients in a bowl. Scoop some of the scrub onto your hand and massage gently onto your skin for a minute (the scrub will actually tighten onto your skin like a masque). Leave on for 3 to 4 minutes before rinsing. If you made enough, find a cute jar to put it in for storage!

Facial Firming Masks:There’s SO many types of masks for the SO many types of skin. But I chose two great masks beneficial for firming and anti wrinkle.

Yogurt mask.- Mix one spoon of natural yogurt, five strawberries and one drop of olive oil (or grape seed oil in my case), when all ingredients are well mixed, apply the mask on your face and neck, leave it there for 15 minutes and then remove it with cold water.
Banana mask.- Mix one banana with one spoon of honey and one spoon of almond oil (or grapeseed oil:), then apply on your face and neck (repeat this mask 2 or 3 times a week). This anti wrinkle mask is wonderful for the skin, makes it look more beautiful and soft with a youth appearance.
THANK YOU ABBY for inviting me out! Take the time to take care of your self. And remember:
Be your OWN kind of beautiful!

Okay ladies, get to work and try some of these out!  I can’t decide which remedy is my favorite, I think I may just have to try them all!  Thanks again Linsday!  Keep up with That’s So Cuegly for everything you need to know to look your best!

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  1. For great oil for scrbus with a nice scent I always use almond oil it is a bit more exspensive but it holds up better and is a realy great bonder for scents too (as well as leaving you smooth as can be :)

  2. I’m hopping on this post a bit late, but thanks for the Green Month and the guest blogger, Linds. My mom and I were reviewing our beauty product labels yesterday – disgusted at what is in some of them. And we try to avoid a number of very specific things too… we decided that this spring it is time to make a few of our own products! Thanks for the lip balm recipe!

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