We Did It! Wednesday and Last Week’s Roundup.

Here we are at another We Did It! Wednesday.  Before we get to today’s party, let’s see what fun things everyone linked up to last week.

The Gaines Gang made this cute crepe paper fringe:
Check out this Easter basket made from a hat by Two Succulent Sisters (try saying that 10 times fast):

House of Hepworths got creative and made this from a cheese dome and candlestick!
I’m always amazed at what Suzannah from Adventures in Dressmaking comes up with.  Here is her Anthro look-a-like:
And lastly, this cute ruffled shirt from Blue Cricket Design cost a whopping $2 to make!  I like her style :).
Here’s a button for those of you who were featured:


Copy and paste the HTML text below to your own blog or website.

Thanks to all who participated! Now let’s get on to today’s We Did It! Wednesday.  Here’s how it works:

1. Enter a link using the MckLinky below to something you made that you want to share.
2. Try to check out at least one other link on the list (and I’m sure they’d love it if you left a comment too).
3. Post the We Did It! Wednesday button below to your post or sidebar to let others know your participating.

I will make sure to check out all your links too so I can highlight some of your projects next week.


Copy and paste the HTML text below to your own blog or website.

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  1. Thank you so much for the feature!!! I really appreciate it. I’ve added your buttons all over my blog! lol. Also I will do a weekly “I’ve been featured at” post and will make sure you are linked up. Thanks again.

  2. Ok, So i am reallllly behind this week! Thanks so much for the feature! It really just made my day! I added your button to my blog in hopes to drive traffic your way!

    Thanks again!

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