On The Move

It’s official, we’re on our way to Seattle! I don’t know how I feel about using an exclamation mark after that sentence, actually. As I’m trying to look ahead to new adventures and settling in, I of course have a lot of mixed emotions and am sad to be leaving Utah and our friends and family here.

It will, however, be nice to be done with cleaning and organizing (lucky for us, Joel’s company hired movers to do ALL the packing – I highly recommend it!). Hmm, I guess I’ll always have cleaning and organizing to do, but it’ll be nice to get back to a regular routine. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had the urge even this weekend to slice open a box or two and do some sewing. I did manage to resist though. I’m sure my sanity will thank me for it later :).

Today is also Joel and I’s 8th anniversary, which I’m sure we’ll celebrate with a nice dinner at a drive-through some point along our drive. We like to keep it classy. Check back tonight for our We Did It! Wednesday linky party, and the pattern giveaway winners will be announced later this week too!

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  1. Happy anniversary! Enjoy your date night, and have a great move (ps, be prepared for some interesting surprises when you open your boxes, moving companies move some very odd things ;o) )

  2. Happy Anniversary! I should write anniversary dates down so that I can remember. I always wish that I remembered after the fact. Good luck with everything!


  3. Good luck with your move. Washington is awesome. Do you know if you’re moving to Seattle itself or one of the suburbs? My husband grew up in the Seattle suburbs and we have a lot of family over there. We live on the dry side of Washington…over the Cascades in central Washington and love both places.

  4. how neat!! we are planning on moving out of oklahoma (our home state) next year to western NY. but this friday we are visiting seattle so see you there, lol

  5. Good luck! And in our family we call it “Keeping it luxurious” – it sounds even classier than classy :)

  6. Congrats on the anniversary, and good luck with the move. I am originally {sorta} from outside of Seattle, from Issaquah/Maple Valley area. It is a beautiful place to live. Have a fabulous weekend!
    ~Kimberlee, The Spunky Diva

  7. Congrats on the anniversary, and good luck with the move. I am originally {sorta} from outside of Seattle, from Issaquah/Maple Valley area. It is a beautiful place to live. Have a fabulous weekend!
    ~Kimberlee, The Spunky Diva

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