This little (blogger) went to Market

I was lucky enough to attend my first Quilt Market last week, and it was awesome! Between the amazing designers, the beautiful booths, and all of the lovely people I met, it was a great experience. Here’s a photo tour of my experience…

My first view of the show – and you can only see about half of the booths in this picture!
I went to Market with Colleen from The Busy Bean. I thought I had more pictures with her, but I guess we were always taking each other pictures, so please excuse the blurry photo :). I go to church with Colleen’s mom and am so glad that she introduced us! She made the day so much fun. My cheeks were sore by the end of the day from all the laughing. The Quilted Fish booth had a mad hatter theme, I couldn’t resist wearing one…
Colleen, Me, and a Quilted Fish member
The adorable Camille Roskelley (of Thimble Blossoms, who designed Bliss and the soon to be released Ruby line) and I. I was extra excited to meet Camille because we share a good friend, Renee (hehe, had to get a picture for you, Renee!).
I wish I had a better photo of Camille’s (and her mom’s, Bonnie of Cotton Way) booth, but it was busy!
I loved Bari J‘s pink booth!
It was so fun to meet a blog friend, Lori Holt of Bee In My Bonnet and see her new line, Sew Cherry.
Lori really does make some of the cutest quilt patterns I’ve ever seen! She designed Sew Cherry for Riley Blake, and their booth was so cute with the picket fence and tree.
A few other booths (I’ll use that term loosely since some “booths” were HUGE!) I liked:
Michael Miller‘s was fun with the superhero theme and phone booth:
Joel Dewberry and his wife.
Jillily Studio was giving out mini sherbert cones (very tasty, by the way) and had a great diner theme.
It was great to chat with Liesl of Oliver + S. I loved the simplicity of her booth.
The girls behind Sweetwater and their new Hometown line.
And my aprons for MODA / United Notions (yay!).
Alison from Cluck Cluck Sew has taken the quilting world by storm and had her first Market booth (and she’s a dental hygienist like me so I love her even more :)).
I love love love Shelly from Patterns by Figgy’s and was SO excited to meet her in real life! We’ve been blogging friends for awhile, but I have to say she’s even more fun and nice in person! She’s one of those people I know I’d love to hang out with all the time if we didn’t live states away from each other (and is coming out with a great book dedicated to BOYS, stay tuned for more info on that!).
We ran into Vanessa from V&Co and she even pretended to know who I was! Hehe, she really was as sweet as pie :).
And of course, the amazing Amy Butler… Let me tell you, that lady has grace and class like none other. Everyone I’ve talked to who met her said the same thing. Makes you want to buy even more of her fabric, doesn’t it?! Especially when you see her new corduroy, you’re gonna love it!
Me with the girls from Quilt Story! They were so fun to talk to and get to know (and will soon be famous, I’m sure :)).
Meg from Brassy Apple – so tall and beautiful! I’ll be over at her blog next week for her Save Our Summer series.
Okay, we’re almost there…
Amy from Diary of a Quilter hosted a bloggers meet up close to Market, and I got to meet even more online friends for the first time! Thanks for all your work, Amy! Excuse the close-ups, it got super windy outside and we were all squished indoors! I only took a few photos, I have to admit I was pooped and just wanted to have some fun :).
Nothing more flattering than Kari from U-Create recognizing me, she’s genuinely such a nice person.
And Sabra from Sew A Straight Line! So so cute! (And you’ll see more of her cute shirt on her blog soon)!
There you have it, my first Quilt Market in a nutshell. So much fun, and I learned a lot. I already can’t wait to go again!

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  1. I want to go to market one day just to take in all the awsome booths! SO FUN! I really love that tree.

    It was super fun to meet you. I had a great time.

  2. Oh! So much fun! I’m sad I missed out on it all! But thanks for sharing it with us and the great pics. And I love your top. And Sabra’s:).

  3. So fun! I wish I had some talent that could get me into quilt market, but alas I have to see all the fun through my computer! Also glad you got to meet Camille, she’s a sweetheart, and way too talented! Looks like a blast!

  4. Thank you so much for this post. As I will probably never have the opportunity to attend market it is so fun to get a glimpse. :)

  5. So fun! It looks like it was a fabulous day. I love getting to see the Market through your eyes!

  6. Abby – I love the pictures! What a weekend. It was SO great to meet you. Thank you SO MUCH for coming. My only regret was not getting the chance to talk to everyone more. (I felt like a crazy person that night.) I say let’s do something again so we have more time to visit.

  7. Wow! It looks like you went to fabric heaven. Swoon!

    Congrats on seeing your apron pattern featured. How exciting is THAT?!

  8. Thanks for the awesome Market post. It looks like you had a fabulous time…plus to see your own pattern/apron there! Wow. Congrats. I sooo wanted to be there this year, but it just didn’t happen. Hopefully next year.

  9. Um so fun!! I would die if I was able to be in the room with all those amazing quilters (yourself included!!) What an awesome day for you!!
    PS The girls night was not the same without you!

  10. It was so fun to meet you!! What an experience…we loved every minute of it too! :) You are so sweet all the nice things you say about us…I’m confident you speak way too highly!! Congrats on your darling aprons btw!

  11. Oh man, it looks like you had so much fun!! That has to be super neat to see your apron pattern hanging out a QM!! And how cool that you know Colleen!! We talk fabric all the time, she is such a doll!


  12. Wow, looks like someone had way too much fun at the market. Love your booth and you got to meet Amy Butler, jealous :)

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