Wallpaper Ideas

I found myself dreaming about wallpaper the other day, and wanted to share these amazing rooms with you! I think that wallpaper can add such an elegance to a room when done right.

I love this room from Thibaut:

Another great room from Thibaut:
I love the color of this wallpaper that From My Living Room used in her bedroom makeover:
How cute is this closet from Martha Stewart?
And lastly, I think the subtlety of this wallpaper from Madison and Grow is gorgeous:
Wouldn’t it be nice to have a room like any of these in your home?! I especially love the idea of wallpapering a closet, it’s not an area you have to stare at all the time, so you’d be much less likely to get sick of it. If you were going to add wallpaper to a room in your house, what room would you choose?

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  1. I love the closest idea too! It’s kind of like lining your drawers. Plus it wouldn’t be so pricey! I really like the last picture too- but my husband probably wouldn’t go for the whole bird thing. He already thinks I have a weird thing for birds.

  2. I love the closet idea so it’s not such a committment! But I really love that last one. I’m pretty sure my husband will never agree to wallpaper. Ever. So maybe the closet is a great compromise. Thanks for sharing!

  3. The closet reminds me of how exciting it is to get a bag that has lining in it. I also really liked the yellow wallpaper in the bedroom picture.

  4. I LOVED the last one. But husbands must be alike in the wallpaper department, it’ll never happen. I saw a bookcase that had wallpaper on the inside back part of it and LOVED it. I could get away with that one!

  5. I love all of those. I would love to do a wall in my living room. Too bad my husband would never ever go for it. When he was a teenager he had to rip down wallpaper out of every room in an entire house. Apparently he wasn’t a fan of it! ;0)

  6. i love wallpaper too. i’m counting down the months until we can move so i can spend on fun things like that!

    if i had my dream house, i would wallpaper be my entry.

  7. These are great pics, and I’m glad that you mentioned this because I think some of us (see ME!) are still kind of under the impression that wallpaper is dated and solidly in the “Do Not Attempt” category. But these beautiful rooms so prove otherwise! They are quite lovely. I agree – the idea of doing a closet is a really nice one. Might have to try that one out!

  8. I like the closet idea because when you look at it you it seems to uplift the spirit because it’s so bright and cheery!! If it was a room I think it might be to busy to see all the time and might distract! Just my thoughts.

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