Filing Cabinet Before and After


Remember this filing cabinet I showed you recently?

It’s had a makeover! Here’s how it looks now:

I was planning on keeping the original hardware, but obviously didn’t! I’ll be using this in my sewing room for patterns and paperwork, and thought the glass pulls were a perfect touch of feminity to the cabinet. They make me happy every time I look at them.
I kept the distressing fairly light, just enough to look subtly worn…

I decided on the same apple green paint I had leftover from this dresser, and overall am super happy with how it turned out! I can’t wait to get my patterns organized and fill it up!

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  1. So pretty – a very nice transformation! Puts the plastic box I keep my patterns in to shame (but maybe you have more patterns!!).

  2. Love this. I have the same cabinet. Was thinking of combining with my black metal one and getting rid of. Now I have a new idea for it. Thanks so much for sharing.

  3. Very nice! I wouldn’t have thought about painting it. I’m a big fan of wood or the wood look, but like this very much.

  4. Very nice job, love your choice of colour and pulls, it adds a lot of femininity to what was one a very masculine looking file cabinet. Just an idea, if you put the labelly thingys back on, which still match the lock part that shows, you could insert some really pretty scrapbook paper (or favorite fabric ironed onto interfacing and cut to size) for some more pretty patterned and girly goodness!

  5. It’s a good look. Keeping it slightly worn gives it a nice antique-ish look. You did a good job painting that filing cabinet.

  6. I just found a cabinet exactly like this and am excited to give it new life. Did you sand yours before painting?

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