Corduroy Skinnies

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It can be frustrating buying pants for Lola. Other than leggings, it seems like everything is too big for her. She has a few different pairs of skinny jeans that, well, just aren’t all that skinny on her. And there’s nothing worse than saggy skinny jeans, am I right? photo IMG_4401edit.jpg

So when I first found out that the Skinny Jeans pattern from Peek-a-Boo Pattern Shop was going to be part of the Sew Fab Bundle (affiliate link), I knew it would be first on my list to make! I’ve used the pattern once before, when I made Wyatt a pair of blue skinny jeans, and was so thrilled with how they turned out. photo IMG_9514edit-1.jpg

Having the ability to make a small size around with the length that Lola needs is just what I need, so I sewed up a size 12m with 18m length.
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I used a grey stretch corduroy, which was originally meant for skinny jeans for Weston, but he doesn’t know that so no harm done, right? It’s hard to resist making little things :). photo IMG_4379edit.jpg

The result? A perfect fit! I did have to rip out part of the waistband so I could tighten the elastic a fair amount, but it was worth it in the end. I also ended up bringing the elastic about 3/4 of the way around, rather than just on the back half of the jeans to get the waist cinched in enough. The rise isn’t super high in the back (probably due to the fact that I made a small size to account for her skinny body), and they wouldn’t have stayed up properly otherwise. photo IMG_4383edit.jpg

I skipped the belt loops (purely for laziness’ sake), and added a purple button for a faux closure. photo IMG_4380edit.jpg

As I’ve said before, I love this pattern! I know it’s one I’ll be using over and over, especially now that I know how well they fit Lola. I love that they are far from a “homemade” look, and are perfect for both boys and girls. photo IMG_4372edit.jpg

I’ll soon be sharing more projects I’ve made using some of the patterns in the Sew Fab Bundle (affiliate link), which you can only get until October 8!  photo IMG_4387edit.jpg

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  1. These are so cute! My little lady has the same problem, she’s so skinny that skinny jeans are baggy on her. Maybe I need to give this pattern a try.

    1. Yes, you do, lol! It’s so cute to see a skinny baby in tight jeans that actually fit for once, I can so relate to the baggy jeans issue.

    1. Thanks Erin! I love that grey matches with almost everything, it makes getting Lola dressed a lot easier, especially when I’m behind on laundry and she has less options – which is always :).

  2. These are just too adorable! I have this pattern and I need to get around to making a few pairs! She’s so cute.

    1. It really is a great pattern. I want to make some skinny cords for my boys for church now – they come together so professionally without a ton of effort!

  3. I love love how these turned out! And such a fun photo shoot! I’m excited to try these pants out–maybe for KCW later this month.

    Your blog looks great, by the way. How have you liked switching to wordpress? That’s on my list of to-dos as well. Was it easy?

    1. Thanks Christie! I’m still trying to get used to Wordpress, and have some little things to work out, but I’m happy that I switched! It was on my list of to-dos for a long time too, and it’s just kind of scary to finally actually take the plunge. It wasn’t too bad, but I ended up hiring out the actual switch (I did my own design first). Email me if you have any questions when you’re ready!

    1. Thanks Katie! And funny story about her shoes – I bought them years ago, I think before Weston was even born. Maybe even before I had any kids. They were on clearance at Gap for $3 and I always hoped I’d have a little girl who could wear them one day! Luckily after two boys I finally have someone to wear them! Also luckily, polka dots never go out of style :).

  4. How lovely! I will have to add this pattern to my collection for my god-daughter when she gets just a little bit bigger, she too only fits in leggings. Lola looks like she quite enjoyed herself too, that’s the best part.

    1. Haha, yes, she was having a good time. I pretty much just have to roll with it and let her do her thing, lol!

  5. I love these–I found this as I was searching for these skinny jeans made in corduroy; where did you find stretch corduroy? I most just find cotton corduroy (like robert kaufman) and I’m not sure that would work for pants!

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