A Red Greenpoint Cardigan

Today I’m highlighting another pattern included in the Sew Fab Bundle (affiliate link) that I’ve had the pleasure to sew with. If you haven’t purchased your bundle yet, you can read here to get all the details and see all 26 PDF patterns that you’ll get for $29.95! It works out to an average of $1.15 per pattern, which is pretty much as good as it can get :). The sale ends on Oct 8th, so don’t miss out!


I had ordered the last yard in stock of this red bunny sweatshirt knit from Girl Charlee awhile ago, and hoped that one day I would have the perfect pattern to go along with it. It turns out that the Greenpoint Cardigan from Hey June was just that pattern!IMG_4451edit

This cardigan came together so quickly and I have to say that sewing with sweatshirt knit is a dream!IMG_4433edit

The buttons and buttonholes obviously took the most amount of time to sew.IMG_4425editIMG_4412edit

And for the record, the left and right sides do match up perfectly at the bottom, but as toddlers’ clothing often does, one side *somehow* got pulled out of place making the two sides look uneven at the bottom in these photos. I promise it’s an illusion :). Or just something I didn’t notice while I was playing photographer.IMG_4407edit

I made the 12m size for Lola, and the fit is great. There’s plenty of room for her to grow, which I was hoping for so that it will fit her through winter and spring.IMG_4447edit

I think I love the bunny print so much because 1. I love bunnies, and 2. it reminds me of something that I would have worn when I was little in the 80s.IMG_4415edit

Oh, and in case you missed it earlier this week, her skinny cords were made using another pattern from the Sew Fab Bundle, and I blogged about them here. They just went so well with her the cardigan and her little boots that she needed to wear them again.IMG_4429edit

I really want to make Greenpoint Cardigans for Wyatt and Weston now. I think it would be a great refashioning project out of a sweater or two of Joel’s. But honey, they needed them…IMG_4418edit

On that note, happy Friday to you all and thanks for reading! Don’t forget to head over here (affiliate link) if you want to check out the Sew Fab ePattern Bundle Sale!IMG_4417edit

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  1. That is so cute!! I bought the bundle and this cardigan is the first thing on my list. Thanks for the inspiration!

  2. Abby! She is so cute!!! And that knit is adorable. And the skinnies! And the boots!! All of it!!!!!!!

    !!!!! :)

    1. Thanks Sabra! I want to find some more cute sweatshirt knit now, it’s so fun to sew with and so comfy for kids to wear!

  3. I can’t wait to sew up a few of these. I sure love the fabric you chose, too bad you got the last of it. I will just have to keep my eyes out for a good one.

    1. I know, I wish I could have ordered more than a yard too! Luckily there’s always lots of new cute prints at Girl Charlee though, you just have to keep a close eye :).

    1. Thanks Shannon! I seriously want one too! And out of the same fabric :). You need to get on the Greenpoint train, and I need to get on the Bimaa train, lol! Just need the motivation to print it all out…

    1. Aw thanks Katie, she is pretty sweet! And skinnies and red Greenpoints for both of us this week, great minds… ;).

  4. Yep, this is adorable. Almost *too* adorable :) I love it with those skinnies & boots, and your photoshoot location is perfect for that red! The Greenpoints I’ve sewn with sweatshirt knit are my fave too.

    1. Thank you for an amazing pattern Adrianna! It was so much fun to sew with, and I know I’ll be making many more! You are awesome!

    1. Thanks Kate! One upside to summer being over is getting to dress kids in fall clothes – I can’t resist a baby in little boots :).

    1. Thanks Jess – she’s kind of at the age now where she just wants to run away from me, so it’s always a hit or miss to get photos!

  5. How precious! This looks wonderful and she clearly is enjoying it! I have some monkey fabric on the cutting table ready for this cardigan.

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