DIY Baby Elvis Costume

DIY Baby Elvis Costume

The other day I shared all about Lola’s bunny costume, and today is all about this little hound dog!

DIY Baby Elvis Costume

This DIY Elvis costume was really fun to make. I knew I wanted to take advantage of Hattie’s hair, and this idea popped into my head one day (it apparently has also popped into many other peoples’ heads, which I learned after googling it…).

Have slightly older Elvis’ that want to have their own candy bag to fill to the brim? Try our Halloween trick or treat bag free pattern!

DIY Baby Elvis Costume

It’s hard to believe that this little baby is already 7 months old. If only I could use the crying emoji on my computer. You know the one with tears streaming down the face?

DIY Baby Elvis Costume

DIY Baby Elvis Costume

I used Peek-a-Boo Pattern Shop’s Classic Footed Pajamas pattern as a base for the Elvis jumpsuit.

DIY Baby Elvis Costume DIY Baby Elvis Costume

I omitted the feet and added triangular inserts to the legs and sleeves to make them flared. The scarf is just a rectangular piece of fabric – the easiest part of the whole costume!

DIY Baby Elvis Costume

I also altered the neckline into a plunging V-neck, and drafted a collar. I wanted the collar to be stiff and have a lot of body, so I used heavy interfacing and fusible fleece. I wasn’t sure at first if the fusible fleece was a bad idea, because it was puffier than I wanted, but after a good pressing it was perfect – slightly overstated but not too crazy (relatively speaking – this is an Elvis jumpsuit, after all).

DIY Baby Elvis Costume

The belt is made out of gold elastic, and I’m excited to use it on a skirt for Lola. I sewed it the entire way around the jumpsuit so I didn’t have to worry about it staying in place. The “buckle” is sewn on one side to the jumpsuit, and velcros across the zipper onto the other side.

DIY Baby Elvis Costume

The rhinestones were my least favorite part of making this little Elvis jumpsuit. I had planned to use hot glue to attach them, but the rhinestones came right off, so after some (more) googling, I used E-6000 glue. It worked great, and produced a very strong bond. It’s supposed to even be okay in the washing machine once it cures, but I’ll probably try to avoid that anyway. Whatever method you use to attach the rhinestones, it’s important to make sure that they’re secure and not going to come off and into your baby’s hands/mouth. They definitely keep Hattie’s attention…

DIY Baby Elvis Costume

All the fabric and supplies for this project were found at Jo-Ann, and worked out so well. I had originally planned to use satin, but would have had to draft a pattern that would work with wovens, so when I saw the stretchy velour, I was so happy (and relieved that I could use a pj pattern and didn’t have to draft it all myself).

DIY Baby Elvis Costume

Whew! I’ll be back on Monday, with the start of the Pretty in Peplum Dress & Top Pattern Tour! We have a huge giveaway to go along with it that you won’t want to miss, and some incredible bloggers joining the tour! Happy Halloween!

DIY Baby Elvis Costume

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  1. That is brilliant! Superbly done…my one concern is the safety of Bub if s/he were to pull off a sparkly…straight in the mouth it would go! I guess it’s a costume for closely supervised times! Too precious!

    1. Thank you Jen! And yes, I definitely would recommend to keep a close eye if rhinestones are glued on (and double check that the bond is strong).

  2. I am dying over the cuteness!! This is so perfect in every way! I know she’ll be the center of attention at every door/trunk you visit.

  3. GAH this is just about the cutest thing ever! I LOVE Elvis. There. I said it.
    But baby dressed as Elvis= even better!

  4. Pingback: Check Out These 50 Creative Baby Costumes For All Kinds of Events! –
  5. This is amazing! Would love to make this for my daughters first Halloween. Do you by any chance sell these? I wish I was this talented but I have no idea how to sew.

    1. Hi Jordyn! Unfortunately I don’t sell these but if you find a local seamstress in your area you could hire him or her to make it for you!

  6. Hi there! I noticed the link to the pattern no longer works, would you be able to update or send me the link? Also, where did you get the rhinestones?

  7. This is awesome! Could you please clarify what is the pattern that you used as a base for the costume? Looks like it’s all white silk onesie and the link includes colorful patterns.

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