Glove animals.
I want to share yet another project on my someday to-do list. I love these little animals that are made out of gloves. It is one of the kind of fun projects that I could see my sister in law Maren make (no pressure). I had totally forgotten about them until I recently was packing my sewing supplies (it will be a total of 4 states in 4 months that I will lived in by next month… I’m now in Tennessee instead of Florida and Utah will be next and luckily should be a more semi-permanent move) and discovered the gloves I had purchased to make these. You can find the link for the instructions for the cat and dog here. You can also watch a video clip from Martha Stewart’s show about making the animals.
Ha ha! You know my crafty side so well. I actually bought a book called Sock and Glove with instructions on how to make lots of little friends out of socks and gloves. I even bought some cute stripey socks with that in mind and haven’t gotten around to it yet.
Whoa, what happened to Florida? I really need to talk to you more often!
good gracious, i didn’t know you were moving again! did you even have time to unpack? hope it’s going well with the wee ones!
You deserve an award. After Mia was born I was barely hygenic… let alone moving three times???? We are headed home on Saturday for 3 weeks. Wish I could see you there! Oh well- you’ll have to come and visit me in ca!
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