Sneak Peek

As you know, I have a couple of new patterns in the works, and since I think that I’ll be ready to release the first before this baby comes (just over two weeks left now), I thought it would be a good time for a sneak peek! I’ve been dreaming up my perfect diaper bag for months, and think I’ve finally narrowed all the ideas down…

My very favorite part of the bag? The interior zippered divider pocket. It’s perfect for all of my (AKA non-diaper/non-feeding/non-spitup) things and was the top of my “needed” list for a diaper bag. It also separates the bag interior into two separate sections, each of which are lined with elastic pockets.

I still have the task of naming the bag – I have a few ideas, but would love to hear your suggestions if you have any you’d like to share!

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  1. The zippered divider is genius! I remember when my oldest was just a babe, my diaper bag had just one giant main pocket. It was not pretty… Also loving that feminine little ruffle in front. :)

  2. Love it! I would carry this as a regular purse and not a diaper bag. My favorite part is the zippered pocket. Great fabrics, too.

  3. So cute Abby! I love the ruffle and the materials! I wish I had a name for ya, but I’m just not creative like that. :)

  4. I really love your “practical, yet still fun” design. Does it have to be only a diaper bag? ;) I’ll be on the look out for this pattern’s release.

  5. I have been looking for the perfect diaper bag as well. I think you came up with a great one! I will be watching for this patterns release as well. My baby is due in about 6 weeks and my SIL in about 5 weeks so I would love to get to this before then.

  6. Love the idea of the zippered section for your non-baby stuff.I also love Natalie’s name for the bag :) Barb.

  7. OH! I love it! I had a diaper bag on my list to make, but never got around to it. I even bought the fabric. I may just have to pull out the fabric, scrap my ideas, and make yours! It looks awesome.

  8. Fantastic and so, so stylish….how about ‘the ruffles diaper bag’, or the ‘oh so stylish I couldn’t be a diaper bag’!!!

  9. Fabulous ideas! I have dreaming up one my perfect diaper bag too, but it looks like i don’t need to anymore! :) Let me know when the pattern is ready, I would love to get one! :D

  10. Oh that bag is adorable. I finally broke down and bought a real expensive one because the current (free) one just wasn’t what I needed for Logan’s bazillion doctor appointments and follow ups. The zippered divider would be a dream for all the papers and appt cards we get at each visit. Once again you have done an excellent job! I am excited to see the pattern.

  11. It looks amazing! A suggestion for a name? – how about “Odessa”. No reason, I just like the name.

  12. I made my own design one for myself as i couldn’t find any that matched my needs and i call it the Mary Poppins x
    Mine isn’t as pretty as yours though.

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