A Chevron Maxi Skirt

With spring around the corner (positive thinking), I’ve been wanting to do some sewing for myself.

Lola is 10 months now, and after 10 months of nursing I feel like I’ve been stuck wearing the same few skirts week after week to church. I know that many of you can relate.

So when I found this chevron knit, I knew it would be perfect for a maxi skirt.

I made a simple yoga style waistband, so it’s super comfy to wear.

I drafted a super simple A-line skirt, using my waist and hip measurements as guides. Remember that you’ll need a bit of negative ease when sewing with knits (you’ll want the finished skirt to be a bit smaller around than your actual measurements). I ended up taking the side seams in a bit more on each side than I had originally planned to get a good fit.

And as you can see, the chevrons don’t match up perfectly, but I decided it wasn’t worth the time or effort. Plus, this way the few that did happen to match up are just an added bonus, right?

Oh, and I decided to let Joel off the hook this time and used my remote to take the photos – it’s one of my very favorite camera accessories and so worth it for around $20. Do you have a favorite camera accessory that the rest of us need to buy? Please share!

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  1. Gorgeous! And I love the chevron toned down by the black top and that beautiful sweater. nice colors together.

  2. I love everything about this outfit! Definitely pinning! I need to make myself this skirt. Maybe I need to take a trip to Hobby Lobby. And I totally understand about wearing the same outfits every week to church. I’m still nursing my 8 month old too.

  3. how much fabric did it take? Is there more of a tutorial posted any place else? Like how you did the waist band etc. thanks so much.. its so cute.

  4. I love the chevron maxi. Where did you get the fabric? Love your blog too, found it through google search:)

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