Black Bean Brownies

Photo source Every Food Fits

I’ve heard about Black Bean Brownies from a couple different places recently, and finally tried them the other day.  You just need a regular brownie mix and a can of black beans.  After pureeing the beans and the liquid from the can (I drained the liquid and filled the can back up with water to reduce the sodium), just mix it with the brownie mix instead of adding the oil, water, and egg.  You can bake them as normal.

I don’t have a picture of mine, which is a testament that these really are good!  They were gone by the next day (but my sister was visiting, so give me some credit), and I promise you can’t taste any bean flavor.  The texture was slightly different than regular brownies — almost more chewy than fudgy — but still super moist.

Next time you make brownies, try it and see if your family can notice a difference!

On a side note, although you couldn’t tell, I’ve been sewing like crazy lately.  Definitely more than I have in a long time.  I’ve sewn a bridesmaid dress, 3 ties, 2 bowtie, and a dress for myself (yep, the ruffle plaid Anthro dress… I just finished sewing it and is it sad that I’m sitting here typing at 1:30am while wearing it and debating whether I should take the hem down a 1/2″?).  I’ll show you pics soon of all the finished products :).

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  1. Oh My Gosh!!! I make brownies ALL the time! I am so excited to try these, ok I might go try them now! Wow, great tip!

  2. Erica – yes, the beans reduce the fat and calories (maybe I’ll figure out the numbers and let you know by how much). It of course doesn’t reduce the sugar content, as the sugar is all in the mix, but it does also add a lot of fiber to a yummy treat :).

  3. Yum! We just celebrated the middle child’s half-birthday with chocolate black bean cupcakes. It makes for a dense, wonderfully chocolate cupcake and cuts down a lot of the sugar. My kids wolfed them down – of course, I made sure to keep the beans a secret!

  4. I made these tonight and they’re delicious! I made them into the little bite size cupcakes and only cooked them for have the recommended time. No one had any idea they were made with beans. Thanks for sharing!

  5. 1:30 am, typing in your dress ahahh! We must be cut from the same mold, was doing the same thing last night at midnight with my newly made poncho on! ahahah!!

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