Christmas Outfits for Wyatt and Weston


I’ve been somewhat MIA from the blogisphere the last couple of weeks and as great as it’s been, I’m also happy to finally be back and sharing the boys’ Christmas outfits with you all! Better late than never, right?


You can read all about Lola’s Christmas dress here, and I had a lot of fun making the matching bow ties and vests for Wyatt and Weston.


I drafted the vests, and am working on a full pattern for them that hopefully will be released before too long. My favorite part is that the boys both love wearing them, which always makes the project worth the effort, doesn’t it?


I added metal buttons that I bought at Fabric Weekend, which I’ve been using every chance I can get. I got a huge bag for $1 I think, and they’re my fav.


For Wyatt’s vest, I used the last bit of leftover herringbone fabric from this anthro inspired dress that I made a few years ago.



I wanted to make both vests out of the same fabric, but couldn’t quite squeak it out so had to get a little creative with Weston’s. I dug into my stash of clothes to be refashioned, and found a pair of old Gap capris that match his pants perfectly.


I wasn’t working with a ton of fabric still, so necessity caused me to get even a little more creative, and use one leg seam along the center back of the vest. I was a little nervous, but love how it turned out in the end.

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I lined each vest with some grey satin-y fabric I bought years ago with the intentions to make a cute nightgown for the hosptial post-baby, which I obviously never ended up making, so it was nice to use up a few different fabrics between the two vests.


I have some tweaking to do with the pattern itself still, but am really happy with how the vests turned out overall. The bowties were made using Christie’s tutorial, which I’ve used several times now over the years, and you can see here and here. It’s my favorite bow tie tutorial around, and I love size and fullness that they have.


We’ve been to three different locations for church the last three weeks, so my kids have gotten to wear their outifts three times over Christmas, which was great!

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  1. Those outfits are all adorable! And I love the seam down the back of the blue one…isn’t that funny that the unplanned usually turns out to be the best detail!

    1. Haha, yes, that’s usually how my “details” come to be – unplanned or out of necessity or to fix an error that was my own fault :).

    1. Thanks Anna! I’ve wanted to take pics of my kids in the forests here for so long and thought it would be easier now than when I have four to wrangle, lol!

  2. Gorgeous photos and great sewing! What I like most is that your boys’ outfits make them look dressed up, but still able to move and act like little boys. Sometimes when children are dressed up, they look constrained, and I think it’s hard to enjoy your childhood that way. But here you’ve shown there’s no need to sacrifice fun for looking good!

    1. Thanks Mary! Maybe it’s the nature of my boys, but being able to move and run is pretty much a necessity with anything I make for them ;).

  3. The outfits are adorable…but the kids are even cuter. I have two boys and a girl too. Might have to try the bowtie tutorial someday.

  4. Oh my word. Your kids are just too sweet and those outfits came out fabulously!
    I love those vests. CUTENESS abound!
    Happy New Year to you.

    1. Thanks a million Michelle. I can totally picture your girls in cute vests for some reason! And happy New Year to you too!

  5. I love the vests. Please finish the pattern, I would love to get it. I have a two and a half year old, and this would be perfect to make him. Thanks for sharing, your kids look adorable.

  6. So, So cute! And the photos are amazing too! Wow! Maybe I could make vests for my girls? Hmmm… :)

    1. Haha, Sherri I’ve totally been thinking the same thing about one for Lola! We’ll have to brainstorm some girly ideas together!

  7. I’m slightly obsessed with herringbone so I love that vest! They look great with the bow ties and I can’t get over the cuteness of Lola’s dress!

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