Flashback Friday.

Here’s this week’s Flashback Friday:

I lived on a farm until I was 11, and my Grandma Leah lived just up the road.  She has a craft room in her basement that we all loved to snoop through as we were growing up.  She let me go through her stash and pick out all the fabric for this patchwork pillow, and I remember avoiding finishing it for years because I had somehow messed up the ruffle the first time around.  I guess some things never change :).

In the background is the old Singer that my Mom used for years and years.  She even got a new machine at one point and kept using the old one instead until a few years ago.  I loved that machine, I used it for everything too until I got my own when I was older.

I’m not even going to make fun of myself this time for how I look.  I’m just happy that this picture wasn’t taken during one of my “bangs” phases which pretty much consisted of my whole growing up life.  A person with Symetrical OCD (that’s what I call how I can’t stand things that are un-symetrical) should never have bangs.  It’s just not a good idea.  Maybe I’ll let you see what I mean one of these Flashback Friday’s coming up.

Would YOU like to be a part of Flashback Friday? Email me by clicking on the button to your right. Send me a pic or two, a short description, and a link to your blog (if you’d like), and you’ll be featured on an upcoming Flashback Friday.

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  1. I think you look very cute!
    We gave my mother a fancy sewing machine about 20 years ago, but she still kept going back to her old machine. She eventually gave the new one (with our blessing) to my oldest niece. I can’t remember the brand of her old machine, but it was made of some kind of metal like iron, was black and you had a lever on it that you pressed with your knee to make it ‘go.’ I have asked to inherit it, although I hope it will not be mine for many years. My mom is 87 and you know…sometimes she still uses that machine!
    BTW, I’m 54 and I do wear bangs, LOL! I feel funny without them.

  2. Cute picture!! What I want to know is…how did I NOT know you loved to sew until we lived in Beeville? I had no idea that you sewed so much in jr high and high school!

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