Flashback Friday.

Here’s this week’s Flashback Friday

This orange gingham apron is the very first project I sewed following a pattern. I was 10 and my mom taught me how to do the waistband. Maybe that’s where my hatred for sewing waistbands began. I thought it would be so cool to embroider a rainbow to put on the apron, and unfortunately I can say that my embroidery skills probably haven’t improved much since then! I must admit my favorite part of this picture though is Audy in her housecoat and earrings. Fancy schmancy.

Thanks to all who have submitted Flashback Fridays so far, they make me smile and everyone is going to love seeing them all!

Here’s one more for today for your viewing pleasure…

Here’s what Amy said about the lovely picture above:

As soon as I read about this contest, this picture immediately came to mind. I am the one all the way to the right wearing a stunning multi-colored tree-patterned top and floor length red skirt my mother sewed for me to wear to my grandparent’s 40th wedding anniversary. I believe it was 1988? I can’t wait to see what others submit.

Oh, what I would do for a full-length picture… Want to be featured in Flashback Friday? Click on the “email me” button on the right, and send me a pic, description, and a link to your blog if you’d like.

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One Comment

  1. Oh that rainbow colored tree top! That’s too funny! I have a whole slew of AWESOME clothes my mom sewed me. I might have to submit something for one of these Fridays!!

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