Lip Balm Holder Keychain Tutorial + Free Pattern

What is it about lip balm that makes them so hard to keep track of? I seem to never be able to find it just when I need it, and having little ones around who like to share definitely doesn’t help ;). Hopefully today’s project will change that! I’m sharing a keychain chapstick holder tutorial (and free pattern!) that you can hook to your purse, diaper bag, or use as your vehicle keychain to keep it always handy!

I designed this little keychain chapstick holder to perfectly fit a tubular chapstick, and it even snaps closed to keep it nice an secure inside. If you’re not a snap fan, you could also use Velcro for the closure.

Below you’ll find the link to download the free  pattern. And of course I couldn’t resist adding some text with Cricut iron on to our DIY lip balm holder keychain – the link for the cut file and instructions for adding it are also below!

Chaptick Holder Keychain Tutorial

It’s also the perfect scrap buster – it uses a tiny amount of fabric but you’ll get a ton of use out of it. You know I’m a sucker for practical projects! This fun project sews up in no time, and is so perfect for yourself or for a quick gift! Pair it with some cute DIY scrunchies and maybe even sneak it inside a fun scalloped zipper pouch, and you’re set!

chapstick holder keychain cricut tutorial

Lip Balm Holder Keychain Tutorial

Supplies:(affiliate links below)
1/8yd main fabric 100% cotton
1/8yd lining fabric – 100% cotton
1/8yd fusible lightweight interfacing
snaps and snap tool – size 15/16
basic sewing supplies – thread, pins, scissors
Cricut Maker (or Explore Air 2) and cutting file HERE
Cricut Iron-on
pattern – click here and follow the checkout process (no payment info will be asked for) to download and print pattern at 100% (no scaling)

Update: Learn how to sew a lip balm keychain holder with the new video tutorial below, or check it out on our YouTube channel!

How to Sew a Lip Balm Keychain Holder:
Keychain Chapstick Holder Tutorial

  1. Cut fabric/interfacing as instructed on pattern pieces.
  2. Trim ¼” from all edges of interfacing (to reduce bulk in seam allowances) and fuse to wrong side of main fabric.
  3. Right sides together, match and pin raw edges of main and lining pieces. Stitch around all edges, leaving 2-3” opening on one long edge.
  4. Trim corners, clip curves, and turn pieces right side out. Use sharp point to ensure neat corners. Press flat, turning raw edges of opening ¼” toward wrong side, and topstitch 1/16-1/8” from pressed edges around all sides.
  5. Follow manufacturer’s directions to attach snaps as marked on pattern piece. Ensure snap placement will be correct in the finished holder before securing, with right side of snap top (female end) on main fabric right side at top of holder, and male end of snap on main fabric right side at bottom of holder.
  6. Fold bottom of holder upward along dotted line on pattern piece, main fabric outward and lining fabric inward. Check that snaps match up properly (adjust position of fold if needed), and stitch over previous topstitching, through all layers on each side of fold, forming pocket.
  7. Fold top of holder downward, lining right sides together, matching curves on each side and ensuring snaps match properly. Stitch horizontally from corner to corner at bottom of curves.
  8. Thread key chain through curved opening.

Add Iron-on Text to Fabric:

Use Cricut Maker to cut the “PUCKER UP” file using Cricut Iron-On. Be sure to click “mirror” when cutting! NOTE: When I updated this post with a video tutorial, I also updated the Design Space file to a font I prefer since I posted the original version. Feel free to adjust it as you like within Design Space.Keychain Chapstick Holder Tutorial

Remove negative iron-on and center text, sticky side down, on bottom of holder. Use iron or Cricut Easy Press to fuse iron-on to fabric. Remove clear plastic. 

  1. Great job! We hope you’ve enjoyed this keychain chapstick holder tutorial!

DIY chapstick holder tutorialKeychain Chapstick Holder Tutorial

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  1. Hi Abby

    I am loving this idea and am about to cut some fabric for my first lip balm holder!

    Just wondering if the interfacing is essential or could I get away without using it? Avoiding ANOTHER trip to the shops!!

    Thanks in advance

    1. Because of the snap, I wouldn’t skip the interfacing, however you could sub in some denim or other heavier fabric at least in the snap areas if you want to save a trip to the store!

  2. I love it! I made my profile without the interfacing… I suppose it really would help with the structure. Lol. Next one is for me!

    1. Do you mean for the Maker to cut the fabric? I don’t currently but that’s a great idea and I’ll add it to my list :).

      1. It is a Really Great Idea I’m Loving the fact I can press a link and it goes straight to My Cricut Access As I am finding Literally 100,000’s of SVG Files but I am Having a Bit of a Struggle Uploading them to Design Space 😣 Any Tips Gratefully Received 😁 Cheers From Australia

    1. Hi! Follow the instructions under the “supplies” section to download the pattern, and then once it’s opened in Adobe Reader you can print from there.

        1. Hi Tiffany, the link to where you can order the free pattern download is under the “supplies” section of the blog post.

    1. Hi Mary, you could try to use a double layer of fabric in place of the interfacing, it would act similar to sew-in interfacing.

  3. Very sweet idea, my family uses lip balm every day. I hope to be able to cut and sew by hand. Neat stocking stuffer gift.

  4. Thank you for this! I just made my first one yesterday and the pattern and directions were very straightforward and easy to create.

  5. I’m thinking this would also work as a hand sanitizer holder. Just adjust the width to fit the mini sanitizers.

  6. Still a newbie sewer. I cut out the two pattern pieces but I’m not understanding the instructions for using the two pieces. Am I supposed to attach them with tape to make one pattern piece? The photo diagram shows pieces that are long in length. Would appreciate a step by step instruction for this but please.

    1. Hi Darlene, you are correct that you tape the two together – if you view the video below the supplies section you can see exactly how I do it!

  7. Really cute and easy pattern and tutorial!
    I love the fact that it’s a snap closure so the lip balm won’t fall out!
    These are going to make great gifts. :)
    Thank you for the free pattern!

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