Mini Stocking Ornaments Free Pattern

DIY Mini Stocking Ornament

Why is everything mini so darn cute?! I’ll never turn down the chance to make a bite sized version of any of my favorite things, and at Christmas season, that means stockings of course! Today I’m sharing a tutorial and free pattern to make your own DIY Mini Stocking Ornaments, so read on to see what a fun and simple DIY Christmas sewing project these are!

IMG_4986editThese cute little DIY stocking ornaments are the perfect little sister to our Free Christmas Stocking Pattern (and video tutorial!).

How to Make a Stocking

And if your tree needs a little help around the bottom, check out our No Sew Ruffled Tree Skirt Tutorial!

DIY Christmas Tree Skirt

For another fun Christmas project, grab your Cricut machine and make these Paper Gingerbread Houses using our free SVG cut files.

cricut paper christmas house

These mini stocking ornaments sew up in no time, and you can have fun mixing and matching all your favorite different fabric scraps! It’s no secret that they’re my favorite DIY Christmas ornament to make!

How To Make Mini Stocking Ornaments

fabric scraps – at least two coordinating fabrics (one for the stocking and one for the toe/heel contrast pieces)
white flannel scraps – for top of stocking
cotton batting scraps
Heat n Bond Lite
rick rack – 7″ length for each stocking

Download and print pattern pieces HERE. Make sure that your printer is not set to scale and is printing at 100%.

Following manufacturer’s directions, press Heat n Bond to wrong side of fabrics. The amount of fabric and Heat n Bond will depend on how many stockings you’re making at once – use the pattern pieces to make sure you have enough. For each ornament, you’ll need two stocking pieces, two heel pieces, two toe pieces, and two top pieces.


Cut pattern pieces out and trace onto Heat n Bond (wrong) side of fabrics. For each ornament, you’ll want to trace one of each piece right side up, and for the second of each piece, trace it with the pattern piece upside down (I wasn’t thinking and learned that the hard way the first time around). The two sides need to be opposite from eachother so that they can be joined wrong sides together. I made the front and backs different for each ornament (red stocking on one side and turquoise on the other), but you could also make them the same on each side, or mix it up however else you want!


Cut all stocking, toe, heel, and top pieces out. Our DIY Christmas ornaments are on their way!


Cut one stocking out of cotton batting for each ornament you’re making.


Remove paper backing from toe, heel, and top pieces, and press them onto the appropriate stocking pieces.


Remove paper backing from stocking piece and zig zag stitch around each toe, heel, and top piece along inner raw edge. The Heat n Bond will make it more difficult for your feed dogs to guide your fabric, but I was still able to navigate my pieces just fine. If it’s more difficult on your machine, you can leave the paper on the stocking back and tear it off carefully after stitching the toe, heel, and top pieces on.


Sandwich the cotton batting piece between two stocking pieces, with front and back of stockings right sides out. Fold the rick rack (7″) in half, and sandwich 1/2″ of each end along the top of the ornament, between the front and back pieces.


Press all layers together, allowing Heat n Bond to join front and back pieces and holding rick rack and cotton batting between the front and back.


Zig zag stitch around entire outside edge of stockings, including top edge, through both front and back layers. This will also secure the rick rack in place.


That’s it! Make a few or make a bunch of these DIY Mini Stocking Ornaments, and enjoy them on your tree or giving them as gifts!


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  1. These are darling, the kids and I are going to make some of these out of scrapbook paper! Thanks for participating in the Holiday Sewing Blog Tour.

    1. Thanks for having me on your tour Jamie! And great idea to use scrapbook paper, that’s so smart and would be even quicker!

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