Mirror Before and After

I’ve had this mirror for quite a few years, and although I liked the color when I got it, I’ve gotten sick of the brown. I’ve been wanting to freshen it up – it was just a little to dark and dreary for my liking.

Enter some white spray paint and a windy day…

After the final coat of paint, the wind picked up suddenly and blew my tape and paper off of the glass and into my fresh paint :(. Half of the bottom side was totally messed up. It kind of ticked me off (apparently ticked off enough to not take a photo, which I thought I had).
Not ready to deal with the disaster, I let it dry and put it on my wall for the time being.
Luckily it didn’t take too long before I was sick of looking at it on my wall. I’d see it everytime I walked in my living room and it was looming over my head.
Enter some sanding, more spray paint, and a non-windy day, and voila!
So much better.
I have to admit the sanding didn’t totally fix the damage, but thankfully it was enough that I’m probably the only one who will ever notice it.
And actually, after all the hassle, I don’t even care that it’s not perfect, I’m just happy to have it white and on my wall!

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  1. Major improvement!! I have a great big beautiful mirror that I am yearning to paint but am scared. I know it’s only paint but I’m still scared. Thanks for sharing.

  2. What a great way to freshen up something you already have. The white looks so much better!

  3. Fresh and bright. You are right, not much that white spray paint can’t fix.

    Nice job :)

    Visiting from Miss Mustand Seed’s Linky Party Tonight, from NW Illinois.

    Smiles, Suzanne

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