Ruby Lou Doll Giveaway!

I know I know, I am so on the ball, right?  First I say that I’m going to do a giveaway, and then I actually do it!  What are the chances?  And even in the same week too!  Anyway, now that my horn has been tooted, I am so very excited to announce Sew Much Ado’s giveaway.  Yes, her name is Ruby Lou, and you can be the lucky winner!  

Here’s the deal: 

For this giveaway, constructive criticism is the name of the game.  All you need to do to enter is leave a comment on this post, telling me one thing you like about the doll and one thing you would change.  I am going to start working on a PDF pattern for Ruby Lou in the near future and would love to hear all your input.  By the way, constructive criticism is not “it looks like her face got hit with a Mac truck.”  Yes, that would be my husband’s comment when he saw the doll.  I hope you all are a bit more kind, I do cry easily.  I really do want to hear all of your suggestions though, maybe just in a more “constructive” way.  There are already several things I am planning to do different for next time, but it will be so nice to hear your opinions as well.

The contest is open until Friday August 14th, 2009 at midnight Eastern time, and is open to anyone in the US or Canada. Want to earn extra entries? Here’s how:

  1. Create a link to this give-away on your blog. Make sure to let me know the address where you linked from when you comment.  Feel free to use my pic above if you would like.

  2. Become a “Follower” of Sew Much Ado on Blogger. It’s easy, just click on the link to the left. If you’re already a follower, you’ll still get your extra entry, just make sure to remind me in your comment that you are a follower.

The winner will be randomly chosen and will be announced on August 17th, so make sure to check back on that day to see if you are the winner! If I am not able to contact you through your profile or blog and you don’t want to leave your email address in your comment, don’t forget to check and see if you are the winner!

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  1. Ok, so i really think you should just make me one anyways??? JKS! bUT AM I?? Anyways, there is nothing i dont like, but if you are FORCING me to change something, i think the arms are a tad skinny?? ( i dont know) and i LOVE the hair, so dang cute!!! i hope i win, Your future daughter in law would LOVE IT!

  2. Abby she is sooo cute!! I am having a hard time finding anything wrong with it. I LOVE the hair. and i can’t wait for your PDF because I love that it is long and braided and i want to see what your trick is. and i really like the pink strands in it – nice touch. I love the clothes and the cute collar detail and the cute skirt. i love the colors you picked too. I can’t think of much improvement – maybe some cute ribbon in her hair or bow or some shoes. Honestly I think she is darling just the way she is – and she definitely doesn’t look like she was hit by a mac truck. i love her little expression. Crossing my fingers i win – I think my new little girl needs a little ruby:) (I’ll blog about it too)

  3. I think she is so cute, my girls would for sure love it…I love the skirt, my girls would have hours of fun changing her little skirts…

  4. I love the hair. Can it be undone? so little girls could do it and re-do it?
    I think the arms are a little on the thin side.
    Oh yeah, and I like how the smile is sorta on the side, I think it makes it so cute!
    p.s. I think you have a little typo about when the drawing ends and when you’re choosing the winner. Just thought I’d let you know, cause I’d want to know if it was mine.
    p.p.s. thanks for giving me something to blog about on my creative blog!

  5. She’s adorable! I LOVE her dress complete with the little leggings. As for what i’d change? I have no idea? I’ll go along with everyone else on the skinniness.

  6. She is so adorable!!! Here are the things that I love about her:
    -her braided hair w/ the pink in it.
    -her cute little outfit(very cute material)
    -her cute little face. I love the expression you gave her.
    -I love that she’s soft and little.
    I basically just think she’s a hoot! The only thing that I might change is to make her arms a tad shorter…but what do I know. Have I ever made a doll before?… I don’t think so(lol).I just love her! :)

  7. I think she’s cute! And I don’t think she looks like she’s been hit by a truck at all. Her face is sweet.

    If you are forcing me to pick something “wrong” in order to win her, I’ll say that her arms could use a bit more fluff. Honestly though I like her just the way she is. You are very talented.
    I actually have your blog opened in another tab… I’m making a diaper bag from your tutorial. Thanks for all of the wonderful things you create! :)

  8. Super cute! I love the outfit and the hair. A couple things I might change is to make the face a little closer together (the eyes down a bit and the mouth up a bit) and make the stockings/leggings longer and skin colored feet smaller. Hope that helps! Great job!

  9. I think she is adorable – her face, her dress, her smile – all perfect. The only thing I would change, if I could, would be to make the arms a bit shorter and thicker – perhaps the legs too. But, I love her just the way she is!!!

  10. I think she is just gorgeous – well done!! If i HAD to change something i too would make the arms a bit shorter and also her smile maybe a bit bigger! :D Love the hair tho – too cute!

  11. I would prefer her without a nose and with her facial features closer together. And maybe with stouter arms. But really, she is adorable and you do great work!

  12. I agree, she is really cute and I just love your taste in colors.

    The only thing I would change is making arms/legs thicker because I always have such problems turning narrow things. Oh wait, maybe that can be your pattern for the narrow-turning-sewist challenged? = )

  13. Ruby Lou is so darling. Change her no way, each in their our unique person, doll or not. Love the braids.

  14. I love her eyes- but I would make her arms a little more substantial- she will look stronger too! JK! Thanks!

  15. I am following suit with the others- I, too, have a hard time turning arms and legs. So shorter arms, but I kinda like that her legs are long like that. Otherwise I think she is absolutely adorable!

  16. I really like your color choices. The pig tails are fun as well. I can’t tell for sure if the skirt is attached or not.It would be nice to be able to change her clothes. Lots of little girs like that.

  17. I think she is fabulous! The skirt is removable and the hair is “unbraidable” right? My daughter loves to braid and re-braid her dolls’ hair. The only thing I could see changing would be her limbs: they could be a little shorter and chubbier (just a little- I like the effect but they might be a little more cuddly…)

  18. Ok- I subscribed to your blog and hopefully added you to my “favorite blogs list” I’m still learning how to do these things so I hope it worked! Thanks for the giveaway!

  19. oh she is sooo cute!!! If I had to change anything I think it would be a bigger smile… she really is cute… and I LOVE the colors!!!

  20. Very cute! I love the ribbon braided through her hair. for changes, I think thicker arms and legs. But she is cute the way she is too.

  21. WOW! I just found your blog and I’m so inspired. Although I just finished my first project and I totally messed up. (one curtain is 1 inch longer than the other)

    This doll is very very cute. I agree with others that the arms may be a little long. I love the fabric on the arms and legs. When I’m a it better with my machine, I’d loveto make one!

  22. 1. I have been a follower for a while.
    2. I linked my blog to your post.
    3. I adore dolls with smiling eyes closed! Super cute eye lashes.
    4. If i were to change any thing it would be her skin color, i would go a bit more tan to match my daughters beautiful skin. :)

  23. Oh i can’t wait for your pattern, this doll is so cute! I don’t think i would change anything but since you asked i would maybe make the mouth bigger??? I can’t really think if anything. But i LOVE her dress and hair. You are so talented Abby this doll is darling.

  24. Absolutely adorable! I sure hope I win! I love her pigtails :) I’ve looked her over and over and all I can come up with is maybe a dusting of color to her cheeks would be sweet. I’m keeping my fingers crossed!

  25. Tres cute! Only thing that sticks out for me is the length of the arms, that being said they are perfect for swinging from a little girls hand, so i totally ‘get’ them!

  26. So cute! She has a cute outfit. I think it might be fun to do one with a red and blue retro twist. Darling!

  27. Abby, I can’t believe you made her, that’s talent! She’s adorable. I don’t know what I’d change sorry, she’s just that cute!

  28. What a cute little doll! I love the braids and the dress. I think her face is so adorable. I think Ruby Lou’s arms could be a bit shorter and plumper – they look a little out of scale to the rest of her. But she is so cute the way she is!

  29. CUTE CUTE! I just found your blog today when I was googling for a tutorial for a card table playhouse(thanks…I’m making one today!)

    Your doll is adorable! I LOVE the braided hair —looks like she braided it with a pink ribbon & I like the look. Constructive criticism…I would have put the smile on the other side of her face, so it was opposite from her part. Just to balance out the face.

    [email protected]

  30. Abby–is there anything you can’t sew? I LOVE this doll. I especially love her hair and the color of the clothes–oh and the eyes. Joel cracks me up–l laughed out loud when I read what he said. I hope you didn’t cry over his comment because she is super adorable. Elizabeth needs her.

    I did link you to my blog, and I am a follower.

    If I have to change something–I might make the mouth a little bigger. I really do love her as is though.

  31. I love this doll and think it’s adorable, I love the colors of the dress! I have a hard time finding anything wrong with the doll….how is the skirt attached? Is it easily detached? I’d probably like it attached all the way so it wouldn’t come off and get lost. But that’s the only thing I can think of! LOVE IT!


  32. Very cute doll, I will take it as is! The only thing I would change is a thicker ribbon than the floss in the hair. Hope I win!

  33. Very cute! My little niece would love this doll. I love how you made her hair with the ribbons in it and I also love the fabrics you chose. The only thing I would suggsest is maybe making the arms a tad bit shorter. I am now a follower of you!

  34. I think she is adorable. I really LOVE her braids and I the pink in them is very creative! You did a great job. I’ve never seen your site before, but I am very impressed! My only suggestion would be to make Ruby have real eyes, well at least pupils. My daughter is always fascinated with the eyes on dolls and I’m sure she would probably be wondering why Ruby doesn’t have eyes?!:)
    Thanks. You can email me at [email protected]

  35. Pick me! My Sister in law is due on Saturday with a sweet baby girl. I think all little girls should have a doll to play with and would love to win and give it to her as a gift! I love the style with the cute colors and dress. I think it would be adorable to add cute little shoes with buttons as buckles and maybe a mitten-like hand? just a thought. Also, I love all your cute designs and have had your link on my blog for months! Keep up all the fun creativity! I love it!

  36. I love the doll! My favorite part is the dress! The patterns are just so adorable! My little suggestion to you is to maybe add a few accessories on the arms and the hair. I hope I win!

  37. OK so the doll is cute all by itself but my most favorite thing is her pretty brown hair with ribbons! If I could change on thing I would make it a sleeveless dress. Is that too scandalous for a doll?

  38. A cute little doll! She reminds me of a ballerina. I think it’s the ribbons in her hair. So that’s the thing I love about her. Constructive criticism? Ballet shoes? But that’s only if she’s a ballerina to you, too. (I used to dance. Can you tell?) Any shoes would be cute. Mary Janes, maybe?

  39. I love the doll!!! I love the shape of the body and the materials used. More dolls should be made of all soft materials for children. If I were to change anything I would make her arms a little thicker in diameter to make them more snuggly. Thank you and we can hardly wait for the pattern to become available!! [email protected]

  40. Wow, Abby. You continue to impress me! Despite all the boys around your house you still have the girly side fully in check. Maybe someday you’ll get a real Ruby, right? For now, this dolll is adorable. Hailey would love her! I love the braids, and how the ribbon is braided through. I love the colors you used for the dress as well. When I was thinking of what you should change I had a hard time…at first I thought maybe the arms were tad too long, but then I decided they needed to be long so she could give hugs (or “loves” as Hailey calls them). So anyway, I’m not sure I’d change much, so I’m interested to hear your list! Hope all is well!

  41. I would add some shoes or frilly little socks. I don’t know, is that getting too crazy? But she is a real beauty anyway!

    Joanne Falcon

  42. Love, love, love this little doll! I especially love the fabric you used and the hair–fabulous! I would probably suggest changing the arms or legs–I love long legs on dolls like this one. If the legs were a bit longer, they would fit the long arms. I agree with the comment to add shoes too–with such cute fabrics, that would be a fun addition. :) I’m looking forward to the pattern for this! Thank you so much!

  43. I’m so sad I just found your blog, I love it! I’m even more sad that I missed being able to enter into this give-away. I love the doll, super super super cute, hopefully you’ll make a tutorial so I can make one for my little kiddo :) I love the dress and hair, and I would love to see some cute shoes on her!

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