Candy Corn Sugar Cookies

My friend (thanks, Jen!) made these candy corn sugar cookies last week, and when I saw them on her blog, I knew I had to make them too! Other than getting our costumes made, I’ve been pretty un-festive this Halloween season, so it was fun to make these together with Wyatt.
We can thank Our Best Bites yet again for great instructions on how to make these cookies. They’re super easy, and I love that they don’t need to be iced. It was also nice to not have to roll out any dough, unlike usual sugar cookies.

I left some cookies plain, with just a sprinkle of sugar.

The others were dipped in white chocolate covering the white part of the candy corn.

I’d say they’re pretty delicious either way. Any recipe for sugar cookies will work, and you can find the instructions here at Our Best Bites!

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  1. So funny, Abby–when I got online Sunday checking blogs and saw this post for the first time we had the same cookies sitting and cooling on the counter. Hailey was my helper and it was the first time she’s made it through the whole process without giving up early and telling me I could do it. :) It was so good to see you a few weeks ago. I’m still thinking you’re in need of a good girls’ weekend in Arizona!

  2. These are really cute and so festive! =) I saw some similar ones on pinterest/another blog this week and thought “those will be on my list next fall!” Yum. (or maybe this fall since I am having a hard time imagining waiting a year…) :)

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