Cat Backpack Free Pattern

cat backpack free pattern

If you are like me and love the recent cat trend, but the real thing makes you sneeze, this project is for you! I’m sharing a Cat Backpack Free Pattern that you can use to make a purrrfect surprise for any little kitty lover in your life!

cat backpack free pattern

cat backpack free pattern

cat backpack free pattern

My bunny backpack and heart backpack free patterns have become two of my most popular posts, and I just couldn’t resist adding a cat into the mix.

DIY Toddler Backpack

cat backpack free pattern

What little girl or boy doesn’t love to have their very own backpack?

cat backpack free pattern

cat backpack free pattern

My little ones definitely love to tote around their favorite treasures and goodies, and I love to have the extra space in my own bag!

cat backpack free pattern

cat backpack free pattern

Thanks to Pellon Flex-Foam, which you can purchase by the cut at your local Jo-Ann Fabric and Craft Stores, this backpack keeps its shape on it’s own, while still remaining soft. I’ve been wanting to experiment with Flex-Foam for awhile, and now after using it I can say I am a huge fan! I was worried about the thickness, especially in seam allowances (I used the sew-in version but there is also 1 and 2 sided fusible options), but although it has great body, it is also very condensable, and sews like a dream.

cat backpack free pattern

cat backpack free pattern

Let’s get to work!

cat backpack free pattern

cat backpack free pattern

Main fabric – 3/4yd 45” wide woven fabric such as cotton, denim, corduroy, etc
Contrast/lining fabric – 1yd 45” wide light to mid weight woven fabric
Fusible lightweight interfacing (20” wide Pellon SF101) – 2yd
Pellon Flex-Foam (sew-in) – 1yd (can also substitute Pellon 987F Fusible Fleece – it will give the backpack body, but will not keep it’s shape as well as Flex-Foam)
Non-separating zipper – 14” or longer
D-rings – 4 – 1 ¼”-1 ½” wide
Embroidery floss and needle
Tracing paper/wheel, tailor’s chalk
Wonder Tape (optional)
Basic sewing supplies – thread, needles, etc

Download and print Free Cat Toddler Backpack Pattern HERE. Print pages at 100% and attach together along outside borders, matching triangles.­

*Supplies and compensation for this post were provided by Jo-Ann Fabric and Craft Stores. All photos and content are my own, and opinions are genuine.*

ADDITIONAL PIECES TO CUT (also list­­ed on page 2 of pattern pieces):

Main Fabric:
Zipper Gusset: 2 – 2.25”x14”
Bottom Gusset: 4.5”x20”

Contrast/Lining Fabric:
Zipper Gusset: 2 – 2.25”x14”
Bottom Gusset: 4.5”x20”
Straps: 2 – 6”x22”
Strap Loops: 2 – 6”x5”
Handle: 3”x6”

Zipper Gusset: 2 – 2.25”x14”
Bottom Gusset: 4.5”x20”
Straps: 2 – 1.5”x22”
Strap Loops: 2 – 1.5”x5”
Handle: 3“x6”

Zipper Gusset: 2 – 2.25”x14”
Bottom Gusset: 4.5”x20”
Straps: 2 – 1.25”x21.5”
Strap Loops: 2 – 1.25”x5”

Getting Started:

  • All seam allowances are ½” unless otherwise noted.
  • Cut out fabric, interfacing, and Flex-Foam as instructed on pattern pieces and “additional pieces to cut” list. Transfer strap placement markings onto right side of back and ear placement markings onto right side of front.
  • Use tracing paper and wheel (the back of a butter knife also works well) to transfer face template onto center of right side of main fabric. (This can be done before or after basting Flex-Foam as described below).
  • Follow manufacturer’s directions to fuse interfacing to wrong side of contrast/lining fabric pieces (excluding strap and strap loop pieces, which will be attached at a later point). Because the lining fabric in the bag pictured is very lightweight, all lining pieces were interfaced. Adjust the amount of interfacing as desired depending on the weight of lining used.
  • Baste Flex-Foam pieces to corresponding main fabric pieces, 3/8” from raw edges (for zipper gusset pieces, baste Flex-Foam only ¼” from raw edge on at least one long side, to allow for zipper installation). Strap and strap loop pieces will be attached at a later point.

cat backpack free pattern

  1. Use embroidery floss and needle to embroider face onto backpack front, following face template as marked. cat backpack free pattern
  2. Right sides together (RST), stitch each set of inner ear pieces (one interfaced, one not) together using ¼” seam allowance, leaving bottom open. Trim corners, turn right side out, and press flat. cat backpack free pattern
  3. Matching bottom edges, center each inner ear on top of one outer ear piece (with Flex-Foam attached). Topstitch close to edges of each inner ear, attaching to outer ear.
  4. RST, stitch each set of outer ear pieces (one with Flex-Foam, one without) together, leaving bottom open. Trim corners, turn right side out, and press flat. cat backpack free pattern
  5. Stitch ears to front as marked, aligning ear bottom corners with raw edges of front. cat backpack free pattern
  6. To make strap loops, press each strap loop piece in half, matching 5” long raw edges. Open fold and press each 5” long raw edge to center fold. cat backpack free pattern
  7. On each loop, fuse interfacing to wrong side, between center fold and one outer fold. Place Flex-Foam pieces on top of interfacing and fold each loop back along pressed lines.
  8. Topstitch close to each edge to secure folds in place. cat backpack free pattern
  9. Thread 2 D-rings over each strap loop, fold strap loop in half, and stitch ends together. cat backpack free pattern
  10. To make straps, press each strap piece in half, matching long raw edges. Open fold and press each long raw edge to center fold.
  11. With folds open, press one short edge of each strap ½” toward wrong side of fabric.
  12. On each strap, fuse interfacing to wrong side, between center fold and one outer fold. Place Flex-Foam pieces on top of interfacing and fold each strap back along pressed lines.
  13. Topstitch close to each long edge and short pressed edge to secure folds in place. cat backpack free pattern
  14. To make handle, repeat same pressing and top-stitching method as strap loop and strap construction (note: interfacing will already be attached to entire piece, and there will be no Flex-Foam). cat backpack free pattern
  15. Right side of back to wrong side of strap loops and straps, stitch strap loops and straps to back as marked, keeping perpendicular to grainline of fabric. Outer corners of straps and loops will extend past raw edges due to curve of back. cat backpack free pattern
  16. Fold handle in half to make a loop as pictured. Right side up, stitch to back, centering between straps. Trim corners of strap loop and straps that extend past raw edges of back. cat backpack free pattern
  17. To create zipper gusset, place zipper face down onto right side of one main fabric zipper gusset piece. Top of zipper should be 1/2″ from edge of zipper gusset piece (bottom of zipper will extend past opposite short edge). Stitch zipper to gusset, 1/4″ from edges.
  18. Repeat with remaining main fabric zipper gusset piece and other side of zipper. Press zipper gusset pieces flat, away from zipper (Flex-Foam will keep seam allowances from staying pressed away from zipper but will be stitched down later, when the lining is added). cat backpack free pattern
  19. Stitch across zipper teeth near edge of gusset to secure. Trim zipper at gusset edge. cat backpack free pattern
  20. RST, stitch main fabric zipper gusset to main fabric gusset along short edges. Press seam allowances away from zipper gusset and toward gusset. Repeat with opposite short edges, forming a continuous gusset piece.
  21. Fold gusset in half, matching seams, and mark top and bottom center. Fold main fabric front and back in half and mark top and bottom center. RST, pin gusset to back at top and bottom center marks. Continue pinning gusset to back, easing gusset to match raw edges of back. Clip ¼” into gusset raw edges as needed to help fit curve of back.
  22. Stitch along pinned edge, attaching gusset to back. cat backpack free pattern
  23. Repeat steps above to attach remaining raw edge of gusset to front (be sure zipper is at least partially open before stitching!). Trim seam allowances as needed to reduce bulk. cat backpack free pattern
  24. To construct lining, press one long edge of each lining zipper gusset piece ¼” toward wrong side of fabric.
  25. With pressed edges toward center, pin outer and end edges of each zipper gusset piece to one short edge of lining gusset piece (there will be ½” space between pressed edges of zipper gusset pieces). Stitch zipper gusset pieces and lining gusset pieces together along pinned edge.
  26. Repeat step above with opposite zipper gusset and gusset ends. cat backpack free pattern
  27. Attach lining gusset to front and back following same method as instructed for main fabric gusset and front/back pieces, using 5/8” seam allowance (will help lining fit better due to bulk from Flex-Foam on backpack exterior), and making ¼” clips every 1” along gusset raw edge to help fit curves of front/back. Trim seam allowances to 3/8” and press open (will be tricky due to curves). cat backpack free pattern
  28. Backpack exterior wrong side out and lining right side out, place exterior inside of lining. Pin together at zipper gussets, matching one edge of pressed lining with stitch line on one side of zipper (Wonder Tape is very helpful for this step and can replace the use of pins).
  29. Bag exterior facing up, stitch along pinned edge, 1/8” from stitch line where zipper/gusset meet. Be sure that lining is in place on back and being stitched while sewing. cat backpack free pattern
  30. Repeat step above using opposite side of zipper gusset and lining zipper gusset. Once both sides are sewn together, topstitch 1/8” from each end of zipper. cat backpack free pattern
  31. Thread each strap through 2 D-rings and back up top D-ring to secure in place. cat backpack free pattern
  32. Use damp cloth to clean any remaining chalk marks as needed.

cat backpack free patternME-OWWWW! You’ve just made an adorable backpack for your favorite cat-lover!

cat backpack free pattern

cat backpack free pattern

If you enjoyed this Cat Backpack Free Pattern, check out more free toddler backpack patterns:

Bunny Toddler Backpack Free Pattern

IMG_5836edit400Heart Toddler Backpack Free Pattern


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  1. Such a cute bag! I want one for myself haha. Your daughter’s poses are so cute, I could see mine doing just the same. She’s about 3 (almost). And they have the same shirt! Twins!

  2. Hello, I am new to your lovely site. The items I have viewed are adorable. I would like to make the bunny bag for my cousins daughter but the have a boy too and if you would be so kind anypatterns for boy bags. Thank you for taking time out to read my request. Pat ?

  3. Thank you so much for this pattern! The bag is absolutely gorgeous, both inside and out! I am featuring this project in my newsletter today. Thanks again! :) Lisa

  4. Started it yesterday and finished it today! Thanks, what a great pattern! Hardest part was attaching the lining, but it did come together pretty well in the end :)

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