Girl’s Peasant Dress Pattern

girls peasant dress

It’s time for some of my favorite posts to share all year long, my kid’s DIY Christmas outfits! This year I used my favorite girl’s peasant dress pattern, the Polly Peasant Dress Pattern, with a couple changes, to make Hattie’s Christmas dress.

girls dress pattern

As I mentioned in the post about the Schoolboy Vest I made for Weston, I was short on time, hadn’t quite even decided if I was going to use 2020 as an excuse to not sew and photograph outfits this year or not (or if I should just let everyone wear sweats…), and then saw we had a non-rainy Seattle weekend coming up in several days where we could do photographs (#seattlebloggerproblems).

So I decided to take the plunge and make it happen, but also wanted to make it as easy on myself as possible. And what could be easier than sewing a peasant dress? Not much, that’s for sure!

Tencil Twill Dress

Depending on the fabric used, peasant dresses can be boxy, which I didn’t want, so I wanted to use something that was lightweight, with nice drape. This tencel twill (Lycocell) I found at JoAnn was perfect and even came in just the right colors for both Hattie’s and Lola’s dresses.

girls dress pattern girls dress pattern

You can see more about Lola’s DIY dress here.

girls dress pattern

The Lycocell was also perfect for a coordinating bow! A cute DIY scrunchie would be cute too though!

girls dress pattern

The tencel twill did the perfect job at keeping the design flowy and not boxy, and is so comfortable that Hattie asked if she could wear it for pjs that night (you can guess my answer).

girls dress pattern Tencil Twill Dress

My girls have now just outgrown the largest size of this peasant dress pattern, size 6, and it’s long been on my list to add larger sizes, so I figured this would be a great time to grade it up at least one size for them.

girls peasant dress

I also added enough length to the usual short-sleeves that this peasant dress pattern offers to make them long. I feel like she just needs a little matching DIY lip purse now!

And will I ever get sick of scallops? Between this Polly Peasant Dress Pattern, the Sullivan Dress Pattern, and now Lola’s dress which is a soon to be new pattern, I think not…

Tencil Twill DressPaired with some cute boots and knee socks, the Polly Peasant Dress Pattern will forever be my go-to girls peasant dress pattern! And shhh, but I have my fingers crossed for a full pattern update with more sizes and options later this year!

girls peasant dress


girls peasant dress

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